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The Heart of Isaiah

“Here I am Lord, Send Me.” (Isaiah 6:8). This very statement came with a whole

cluster of responsibilities for the prophet Isaiah. He was at the will of the Lord, ready to


The prophet Isaiah was a man on a mission. A mission to warn, confront, and

exhort, but also to give words of hope and promise. True to the meaning of his

name,”The Lord Saves”, Isaiah delivered a powerful message to the 8th-Century

Israelites, pronouncing judgement for their immoral and idolatry lifestyles. This in turn

did not always make him very popular. His task set before him was very challenging but,

he remained true to his commitment. Many times with a broken heart he would cry out,

“Lord, how long?” (Isaiah 6:11) to which the Lord replied, “until the land is utterly

desolate” (Isaiah 6:11). Steadfastly, Isaiah remained determined to teach of the coming

One. The Lord’s love letter to Jerusalem was one that Isaiah proclaimed boldly.

Isaiah prophesied many wonderful things about Jesus’s life in the 53rd Chapter. While his work brought him many times in opposition with kings and priests, his convictions and his constant communication with God aided him to press forward with the goal. Isaiah is now seen as an eye witness to one of the most rocky eras in Jerusalem’s history, both politically and with religion, being also one of the most quoted prophets today. As one might come to see, a prophet as Isaiah, preaching truth, will create controversy. We will pay the price of learning, teaching and exemplifying truth. As God commanded Isaiah to write it, “Now go, write it before them in a table, and note it in a book, that it may be for the time to come for ever and ever,” (Isaiah 30:8) we then have responsibility to study and write it on our hearts. And just in case you missed something, Isaiah always made sure he mentioned and revisited the idea again somewhere else in scripture. Isaiah’s heart and service to God, lends to such an example of what he stated when he said, "Here am I, Lord send me.” Going into a battlefield and carrying out exactly what God instructed him to. The prophesies of Isaiah are relevant to all

generations today.

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